Anacortes Music Project
Amplifying the music of Anacortes
Show Chime
Events Calendar
Listen: Radio / Podcasts
PA / Recording / Tech
Band Pages
Instrument Lending Library
How to Measure for Instrument
Contact / Donate / About
Your Name (required, wont be made public)
Your Email (required, wont be made public)
Artist/band contacts (not public. This is how AMP should contact your band, for events and etc)
Artist/Band Name
Artist Description
Years Active
URL (website, fb page, bandcamp, etc. Your main site)
Other Urls (bandcamp, fb, etc.)
Contacts (This will be public. Email, phone, etc)
"Buy Now" Url (Optional link, direct to your Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon, etc page. The link you want to send people to buy your music. This link will be used on the Anacortes Music Channel site, to link your songs with your music sales.)
Mp3s and Photos. Link to a dropbox, google drive, or other cloud, where we can download your files. We will make them freely available, on the AMP site
Cloud player widgit (reverbNation, soundcloud, bandcamp, etc)
Cloud events widgit (google calendar, reverbNation, soundcloud, bandcamp, etc)
Videos (youtube, single videos or playlist)
Players (list names, instruments, etc)
Shows (list notable shows, festivals, etc)
Anacortes Music Project
Show Chime
Events Calendar
Listen: Radio / Podcasts
PA / Recording / Tech
Band Pages
Instrument Lending Library
How to Measure for Instrument
Contact / Donate / About